Grace School of Theology
Grace Center for Spiritual Development
Eternal Rewards - A Ministry Update of Grace School of Theology


Grace in Action

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Master of Arts in Biblical Studies

As an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) in Qatar, a predominantly Muslim country, it was impossible for Pastor Johnny Fernandez to find a Christian seminary. While browsing through Face- book, Grace School of Theology caught his attention. One inquiry led to another that started his Grace journey. As a result of his studies at Grace, he started his fruitful ministry in which he leads a group of believers who are actively sharing the love of Christ.


At a glance, sharing the Word in a different country may be challenging; but at the same time, it’s also a unique opportunity to share the gospel to those who haven’t heard it. He is convinced that only the grace of God can transform the lost. He understands that a non-believer with a deep indoctrination of a cult will have a lot of questions about the Bible, and having the knowledge gained from Grace equipped him to answer them.

Currently, Pastor Fernandez regularly conducts bible studies and leadership training for his members. Equipping and developing people in sharing the love of Christ can help amplify the impact; making a ripple effect or even waves of change in their area of influence like their communities and workplaces.

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Master of Ministry

In obedience to the second greatest command to love your neighbor as yourself, Rev. Gusta Booker leads a ministry that brings the love of Christ not only within the walls of the church but also to nearby schools and communities.

Working with children and the youth, Rev. Booker constantly encounters those who have been abandoned by their fathers. That is why he emphasizes the need for godly men to serve as role models and be involved in the community. As he leads a ministry of helping children succeed academically, he also focuses on the behavior and character of these children.

Volunteers have also come together to make sure the people in these communities are fed, donating and preparing warm meals for those who are in need.

Rev. Booker believes that the best way to lead people to Christ is by living a life that speaks about His love.

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