Grace School of Theology
Grace Center for Spiritual Development
Eternal Rewards - A Ministry Update of Grace School of Theology
Summer 2021:

New Book: Living by Grace

New Book: Living by Grace
Living by Grace attempts to make a case for grace in every corner of our lives. It makes sense that since we were saved by grace, we should live by grace. Since God is grace, we should not only experience His grace but also live within it and give it to others. Our hope is that your heart will be overwhelmed by the goodness of God and His grace to you. Our desire is that you will be more equipped and encouraged to manifest the grace of God in your life.

Culture can be challenging to navigate and negotiate. People can be confounding with all of their uniqueness. Life can be confusing. But in all of its confrontations and considerations, grace is the cure to living in a lost and dying world, and in living with each other. The Grace of God has been granted from the garden of Eden to the garden of Gethsemane and to all of us. It’s only natural then that we live by grace.

Living by Grace Book

Living by Grace

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Kindle ebook format coming soon in 2022.

Learn more about Living By Grace and its authors through these events and interviews:

Explore other books from Grace Theology Press

Grace Theology Press Books
Birthed from a desire to provide engaging and relevant theological resources, Grace Theology Press is the academic imprint of Grace School of Theology. In a world where many say “truth is relative,” Grace Theology Press holds fast to the absolute truth of God’s Word. We are passionate about engaging the next generation of ministry leaders with books and resources that are grounded in the principles of free grace, which offers a gift you cannot earn and a gift you can never lose.


Please make Grace School of Theology part of your annual charitable giving. Your gifts provide the tuition assistance needed to help our students access affordable seminary education. Thanks to the generosity of donors, domestic students are blessed with tuition rates among the lowest in the country, and international students can have globally accredited seminary education with access to apply for a tuition assistance program that keeps tuition within economic reach for them.

Every dollar given has an exponential impact as Grace trains spiritual leaders around the world who will influence generations as they teach others about the love of Christ, a love that cannot be earned and cannot be lost.

Eternal Rewards 2022 Numbers