Sports Devotions for Today from Paul’s Writing

Sports Devotions for Today from Paul’s Writing

Running the Greatest Race with Passion and Purpose

Are you or someone you know an athlete?

One of the most unique things about athletics is that athletes are constantly being put on display both for their athletic ability and what they think and, subsequently, what they say.

The athlete is no longer judged just on their playing abilities—in other words, letting their actions speak for themselves—but is also given a megaphone depending on how successful they are at their sport. The significance of this megaphone is that athletes have an audience who is willing, eager, and pays attention to what they have to say and then will judge them by what they say.

You can positively or negatively affect others simply by the way you play and by the megaphone placed in front of you. Present yourself in word and deed with humility and Christlike character, knowing that you are on display in the theater of life like no other profession. When you do, you will be building others up and bringing attention to Christ, who has given you this stage to make Him known.

Paul ran the race of the Christian life with purpose. He desired to land every punch, train constantly, run within the rules, and finish the race well. He wanted the same thing for all of those to whom he wrote letters and ministered during his life.

Paul was not a spectator but a participant in the greatest race of all—the race of the Christian life. He wanted to run it in such a way as to be rewarded by Jesus at the end of the race. He was focused on the finish line and let nothing distract him from finishing well.

We pray that as you go through each day of this devotional, you will embrace God’s unique role for you as an athlete and the influence you can have in the world around you. Even if you’re a family member, sports chaplain, ministry leader, or friend, you will learn through Paul’s writings that we are all called to run the greatest race of all as participants rather than spectators.

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Rev. Mark Rae


Vice President of Community Development, Grace School of Theology

Rev. Mark Rae holds an Master of Arts in Biblical Studies degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and a Master of Divinity degree from Grace School of Theology (GSOT). He is also about to complete his Doctor of Ministry degree at Grace. He spent half of his career in sales and marketing and the other half in church and parachurch ministry as an Associate Pastor, COO of an evangelistic ministry, Executive Director of a discipleship ministry, and Lead Minister.

Currently, he serves as Vice President of Community Development at Grace School of Theology and is the Executive Director of Grace Center for Spiritual Development (GCSD). Mark is married to Melissa, and they have two grown children, Ryan and Sean, and five grandchildren.

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