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Grace in Action

A Life-changing Oasis

My name is Brooklyn Williams. I was born and raised in the magnificent metropolis of Beaumont Texas. At present, I serve in two capacities of leadership at Antioch Missionary Baptist Church in Beaumont, Texas. I was blessed to serve as the Executive Director of Media Relations and Executive Director of John our aid Ministry, respectively.
Grace in Action

A Life-changing Oasis

My name is Brooklyn Williams. I was born and raised in the magnificent metropolis of Beaumont Texas. At present, I serve in two capacities of leadership at Antioch Missionary Baptist Church in Beaumont, Texas. I was blessed to serve as the Executive Director of Media Relations and Executive Director of John our aid Ministry, respectively.
Brooklyn Williams - A Life-changing Oasis
This school has been a life-changing oasis for me. I must admit that I did not think that I would like online learning but after my encounters here at Grace, I have discovered that I love it. I can watch and rewatch my classes. The discussions allowed me to hear the written thoughts of others and respond. If I don’t understand the principle or concept I can always rewind and listen to it again. With this in mind, the courses have stretched me, blessed me, challenged me, and changed me.
Prior to Brooklyn Williams graduating with her Master of Ministry degree from Grace School of Theology, she had the privilege to give a speech during one of Grace’s Board of Trustees meeting:
To this very distinguished panel that represents the greatest theological institution in the world to me, to a great leader, President Dr. Dave Anderson, Provost Dr. Mark Haywood, and to the other people who makeup this wonderful body of assembled leadership here today, grace be to you and peace from God our Father and He’s holy begotten Son, our Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ.
April 2018 was a life-changing month for me, I shared my desire to full-time ministry with Pastor John R. Adolf in an administrative capacity. As soon as I shared my desire with him, he did two things: he prayed for me and told me that I was going to a seminary at Grace. Initially, I thought he was losing his mind.
“Me, seminary…you’re kidding me right?”
When I signed up for classes, I thought I was in for an advanced Sunday school type of education, boy was I wrong. The depth, scope, and substance of the courses have pulled me upward and pushed me forward. So now when I am in dialogue with my collegiate students at Lamar University I can tell them that their sins in Christ have been pardoned and that they have been justified by faith in Christ. I can stand flat footed and tell them that without the cross of Christ we are hopelessly lost but because of our Lord’s sacrifice, those of us who are in Him are eternally saved.
I can help them when they are stressed about a test or some of life’s toughest issues. I now tell them with great assurance upon the Lord because He really does care for us. Once they would raise questions in our group sessions about sexuality I would avoid them as best as I could but now I address them head-on. I listen intently and then I simply tell them while human sexuality matters to God and what God wants from us regarding it. And when they raise tough questions “Where is God when a murder happens?” racial injustice takes place, hunger, and even natural disasters, it gives me great joy to say that God is in the same He was when they crucified His Son. I’d tell them that His ways are not our ways. His methods are not our methods. His actions are not our actions, however, one thing is certain: all things work together for the good of those who love Him and if He’s not yet working together it’s because He’s still working.
My internship was wonderful. Even though I ended up with COVID-19 and couldn’t smell or taste a thing for nearly a month, God showed me a new level of grace and even a greater dimension of gratitude. Before the Covid-19 I was thankful to be on campus with my students but after Covid-19 I was just grateful to be alive. Before encountering the virus, it was just as if grace was a word that was used in church, you know the typical lingo. But while sick with Covid I watch others die because of it and now when I look at the mirror I see a reasonable facsimile of grace. God gave me another chance and I would never take life for granted again because of it.
Not only was my internship wonderful but I was blessed to travel with Grace School of Theology to the Holy land with Dr. Anderson, Dr. Haywood, my Pastor Dr. Adolf, lady Dori, and most of the others from the United States, talk about something that I would never forget. Learning for me at Grace has not just been instructional but personal and not just theory but practice. To stand in Sicily of Philippi, to sail the sea of Galilee, and eat St. Peter’s fish, walk the Via Dela Rosa, stand on the Temple Mount, visit the Garden Tomb, and to hear Dr. Anderson and others lecture and preach during the trip brought me closer to God than I’ve ever been. It took me nearly over a month to get back to normal and I must admit that I’ll never be the same.
My time at Grace has been rewarding and life-changing. I started seminary thinking that I knew quite a bit about Christianity and the church, after all, I am a church girl. I was raised in the church with a Bible at my nightstand and a hymn in my heart. But after my growth here in Grace School of Theology, I now know how little I really know and I want to know more.
From here I plan to work on my Ph.D. Philosophy with a focus on Ecclesiastical Leadership in the near future. God used Grace to support my desire, for this, I am eternally grateful. With this in mind, I want to say thank you for the esteemed honor of speaking to you today. Grace has many students and I count it in overwhelming joy to have stood before you in such an honest body of leaders. This institution has supported me with the life-changing privilege to gain, know, and grow. I will never be the same because of this magnificent institution and how it has blessed me. Thank you once again for granting me this privilege to share with you. Thank God for Grace and please know that I will plan to represent you well in ministry as I seek to serve God by serving others for the rest of my life.
Brooklyn Williams Graduation - A Life-changing Oasis

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