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Be Prepared to Face Challenges

When Lieutenant General Steve Hummer retired from the Marine Corps in 2015, he became passionate about knowing more about God. He wanted to use that knowledge to touch other people’s lives and draw them closer to Christ. So he searched for a seminary that could help him fulfill his goal. One professor at Grace School of Theology introduced him to studying chaplaincy. And in 2018, he applied to the Master of Arts in Chaplaincy (MAC) program of Grace.

Grace in Action

Be Prepared to Face Challenges

When Lieutenant General Steve Hummer retired from the Marine Corps in 2015, he became passionate about knowing more about God. He wanted to use that knowledge to touch other people’s lives and draw them closer to Christ. So he searched for a seminary that could help him fulfill his goal. One professor at Grace School of Theology introduced him to studying chaplaincy. And in 2018, he applied to the Master of Arts in Chaplaincy (MAC) program of Grace.

Be Prepared to Face Challenges
The courses are professionally taught, and I can see how far I have come since starting the program. I will continue to take courses in theology even after the degree. There is so much to learn.
Chaplains act as servant leaders in secular environments. They provide emotional and spiritual support to individuals in places such as hospitals, military units, schools, and more. Having worked with veterans who have rendered service in prisons and rehabilitation, Steve recognizes the need for people to hear the word of God. For Steve, it is the best therapy for people experiencing emotional trials.
“I believe that of all the therapies out there, the only one that works is knowing Jesus Christ.”

From the time Steve has studied chaplaincy, he has applied the lessons he learned in actual ministry. He has preached at an independent living facility and done personal counseling. He has also served an internship at the county district attorney’s office. According to Steve, many organizations need chaplains. He considers the ministry an extension of the service pastors do for the local church.

“I see pastors as taking care of their ‘flock’ that is within the walls of the church. They minister to them both inside the church and outside, but it’s their congregation to which they minister. The chaplain works for their organization and serves wherever called.”

For Steve, all courses he took in the chaplaincy program have affected his personal life and ministry. His Hermeneutics class with Dr. Fred Chay taught him how to interpret, explain, and translate Scriptures. Meanwhile, his Soteriology class with Dr. Dave Anderson further equipped him with biblical teachings about salvation. Both subjects “elevated” Steve’s understanding of Christianity. This is critical in further guiding him in teaching about the love of Christ to persons in the secular field.

Be Prepared to Face Challenges
Be Prepared to Face Challenges
Steve also appreciates the practical approach of the chaplaincy program at Grace. It has helped him understand the real challenges people face daily in the secular place. It has also prepared him to help them overcome those challenges and impact people’s lives. He finds the classes very engaging.
“I have learned so much in the past four years in theology, counseling, and practical application. I’m glad that Grace School embraces the concept and the program.”
Steve is grateful for the opportunity to study Master of Arts in Chaplaincy at Grace. He highly recommends the program to those who are interested in studying chaplaincy. As for him, he plans to continue his learning even after graduation.

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