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Equipped to Break Strongholds

Terry Weaver has been a Navy veteran for about ten years and has served as a combat medic with the Marines. After his service, Terry was in a world of hurt and pain brought about by a combination of childhood trauma, military issues, and a growing drinking habit. He decided to move from Los Angeles to Texas because life was pressing down heavily on him. But the change of location did not remove the same pieces of baggage that he had. He wanted to have a fresh start, but he knew he could not figure this thing out alone and turned to God for help.
Grace in Action

Equipped to Break Strongholds

Terry Weaver has been a Navy veteran for about ten years and has served as a combat medic with the Marines. After his service, Terry was in a world of hurt and pain brought about by a combination of childhood trauma, military issues, and a growing drinking habit. He decided to move from Los Angeles to Texas because life was pressing down heavily on him. But the change of location did not remove the same pieces of baggage that he had. He wanted to have a fresh start, but he knew he could not figure this thing out alone and turned to God for help.
Equipped to Break Strongholds | Terry Weaver

Now with a solid biblical foundation built for the rest of his life, Terry shares that he truly believes that Grace School of Theology provides a wealth of accessible and extensive knowledge to anyone who desires to learn more about God’s Word.

Terry began attending Covenant Family Church, where he got to know Jesus—the God who loved him despite his shortcomings. Though he confessed that he grew up in church, he still struggled with only relating with God through religious tradition and thus, often viewing God as irrelevant. He used to perceive God as someone who held a yo-yo, wherein He would lower down his grace and favor when we were good and would suddenly yank it up when we are bad.

Once Terry received the revelation of Christ’s sacrifice to save us, he became determined to pursue a course of study that he believed would have a long-term impact on his life. He desired to have a better grasp of the Bible’s teachings. Learning the Bible is an eternal investment for him so he invested to accomplish his Master of Arts in Biblical Studies degree at Grace School of Theology.

He attributes much of his personal growth and development to the Christ-centered education he received from Grace, its staff, and his professors and classmates who care about him and his spiritual well-being.
After meeting his professors in class, he was struck by how passionate they were about their faith and love for Christ. He shares how it was an honor to spend time with believers who have dedicated their lives to studying Scripture and are committed to serving the Lord. It was a life-changing experience that helped Terry open his eyes to the truths of God’s Word. He was enamored with learning from his instructors and cherished every minute and recollection of the experience.

Terry acknowledges how limited our time here on earth is so we must maximize it to fulfill God’s mission for us. With his experience in the army and equipping from Grace to be God’s hands and feet, he founded VEL Institute, a non-profit organization that connects and develops veterans, entrepreneurs, and leaders through collaborative teaching. It is his deepest desire to apply what he has learned from God’s Word and create a place in his life for others who are facing different difficulties, just as Jesus did in Matthew 9:9–13 when religious authorities and society protested to what He was doing.

Terry also stars in Breaking Strongholds, a faith-based mystery drama series that keeps viewers guessing while addressing serious cultural issues such as teen suicide, depression, abandonment, spiritual darkness, and more. Like a modern-day parable, each episode creatively weaves God’s truths into the storyline pointing to Jesus, the only One capable of capable of truly breaking strongholds.

Breaking Strongholds

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