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Islam and Christianity: How to Respond from an Apologetic Perspective
Al Fadi, PhD (ABD)
Fred Chay, PhD

Islam and Christianity:

How to Respond from an Apologetic Perspective

July 21, 2022 • Thursday • 6:00pm US Central Time

When God called us to “make disciples of all the nations”, He meant ALL the nations—not just other Christians and denominations, but every person from every group and ethnicity. We encounter people of different faiths and beliefs on a daily basis. Despite our differences, God commands us to still walk in love. When we want to share the truth with others, we must remember to approach them without judgment or hypocrisy and with the same love we want them to discover.

There is an estimate of over 4,000 religions practiced all over the world today. Out of that 4,000, Christianity and Islam are two of the largest. Both Christians and Muslims are monotheistic; however, they have differing views on God. And although there are a number of similarities between the two beliefs, Christianity and Islam contrast in their views of Jesus, sin, the sacred text, and other aspects as well. With many of these opposing perspectives, how can we discern the truth and bring others to it?

Join Al Fadi and our host, Dr. Fred Chay, as they discuss the Islamic belief today and how we, as Christians, can respectfully respond through an apologetic approach.

Al Fadi - Grace School of Theology in The Woodlands, TX


Al Fadi, PhD (ABD)

Al Fadi is currently an Adjunct Professor of Philosophy and Apologetics at Grace School of Theology. As a former Muslim who discovered Christ’s love, he has the heart to lead Muslims to also embrace the Truth and love of Christ. He has a Master of Divinity in Biblical Communications and is currently completing his Ph.D. in Early Qur’anic Studies. With his passion and personal experience, he founded the Center for Islamic Research and Awareness (CIRA) and is the editor and contributor of The Qur’an Dilemma. Presently, Al Fadi is the host of a popular apologetics YouTube channel (CIRA International) in addition to a live stream and podcast show known as Let Us Reason.

Fred Chay, PhD - Grace School of Theology in The Woodlands, TX


Fred Chay, PhD

Dr. Fred Chay has been in the ministry for more than 40 years. He has pastored churches in Arizona, California, and Texas. He is the founder and president of Grace Line, a ministry devoted to motivating Christians toward maturity in their faith. He is currently the Academic Dean, Dean of the Doctor of Ministry (DMin) Program, and a Professor of Systematic and Pastoral Theology at Grace School of Theology. He is also the Managing Editor of Grace Theology Press, the author of Legalism is Lethal in the Spiritual Life, Suffering Successfully, The Glorious Grace of God, and co-author of A Defense of Free Grace Theology, Living By Grace, Medical Ethics, and The Faith That Saves.