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Grace in Action

Raising Up Godly Women

Merritt Johnston, the first female Master of Divinity graduate of Grace School of Theology, believes that women have a unique and irreplaceable role to play in church when it comes to mentoring and teaching younger women. (Titus 2:4) This is her passion and ministry, discipling girls and training women on how to be Jesus followers at each unique stage they go through in life. Thus, she co-founded SAGE Girls Ministry while still attending college. After college, Merritt had a desire to go to seminary and be trained in God’s Word at the feet of seasoned teachers so she can better steward her gift and calling as a teacher.

Grace in Action

Raising Up Godly Women

Merritt Johnston, the first female Master of Divinity graduate of Grace School of Theology, believes that women have a unique and irreplaceable role to play in church when it comes to mentoring and teaching younger women. (Titus 2:4) This is her passion and ministry, discipling girls and training women on how to be Jesus followers at each unique stage they go through in life. Thus, she co-founded SAGE Girls Ministry while still attending college. After college, Merritt had a desire to go to seminary and be trained in God’s Word at the feet of seasoned teachers so she can better steward her gift and calling as a teacher.

Raising Up Godly Women

My true passion is teaching. This is what I feel God made me to do. When I teach, I feel God’s pleasure and because of that, I really wanted to be a better Bible teacher.

Merritt had to wait for the perfect time though. Because of the overflowing demands of full-time ministry, attending a seminary in a traditional classroom setting simply was not possible. Years later, after Merritt had gotten married and given birth to her first child, God revived that dream. Merritt found herself considering the Master of Arts in Biblical Studies program, a course being offered online by Grace School of Theology. With a young family to nurture and a demanding full-time ministry, the timing was far from perfect. Nevertheless, she and her husband sensed that they should take a leap of faith.

Although it was not an easy feat, graduating from seminary was made possible for Merritt by Grace’s innovative use of interactive technology which allows students to “attend class” right where they live and serve.

It was a blessing for Merritt to find a school that was able to fit her life rather than the other way around. The online classes gave her the flexibility she needed as a mom and traveling minister. The cultural diversity was also very enriching and not to mention, there was nothing like sitting at the feet of wise, seasoned teachers who were in love with Jesus, and who truly exemplified the grace of God in their lives.

In 2016, Merritt earned her Master of Arts in Biblical Studies degree, but her seminary journey did not end there. After a total of eight years and ninety-five credit hours, she received her Master of Divinity degree on May 19, 2018. This is the highest academic achievement of a female student at Grace—a significant milestone not only for Merritt, but for Grace School of Theology as well. According to Merritt, Jesus walked with her through it all. Receiving the heart to tell girls about Jesus was where it all started. Now, this passion to tell the world about God’s grace, especially to girls and women, could only burn stronger.

“Seminary puts you in the right environment to go deeper into God’s Word and bear fruit. It’s hard for us to create our own biblical boot camp to make sure we’re growing. Grace comes in to create the right environment,” Merritt explained. “I’m thankful for the fact that I love Jesus more now.”

Merritt (center) with the women of SAGE Girls Ministry

Merritt (center) with the women of SAGE Girls Ministry

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