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Grace in Action

Transforming Nepal through Church Planting and Training

Bishwa Karmacharya is a passionate church planter in the nation of Nepal. It has been a long-time prayer for him to pursue further studies but he did not want to have to travel far from where he does ministry. When he met Dr. Dave Anderson, Founder and President of Grace School of Theology, he learned about his vision of making theological education more accessible.

Grace in Action

Transforming Nepal through Church Planting and Training

Bishwa Karmacharya is a passionate church planter in the nation of Nepal. It has been a long-time prayer for him to pursue further studies but he did not want to have to travel far from where he does ministry. When he met Dr. Dave Anderson, Founder and President of Grace School of Theology, he learned about his vision of making theological education more accessible.
Take the Opportunity to Learn More About God | Bishwa Karmacharya
Grace allowed me to be in my calling and yet study God’s Word. When I started to take the classes, I witnessed how the professors were excellent in their respective fields. I was affirmed that I chose the best college.

Dr. Anderson had a dream of establishing a trusted institution that would provide sound biblical teaching at an affordable price, no matter where you resided. This vision both touched and convinced Bishwa to enroll at Grace School of Theology. With Grace’s distance learning, Bishwa enjoyed accomplishing his Master of Divinity degree while simultaneously fulfilling his calling in the mission field.

During the 2015 earthquake in Nepal, there were numerous aftershocks that lasted a year after the initial tremors. This situation made it difficult for him to meet his deadlines for his classes at Grace because he was involved in relief operations and supplies distribution to those affected. He was grateful that his professors were gracious toward him and the situation happening in his nation by providing the necessary space and time to complete his studies.
Bishwa has a lot of great things to share about his professors beyond their grace, godliness, and passion for God’s Word. As a church planter, he was elated to learn that his professors were not just esteemed academics but were also seasoned ministry practitioners. This information further affirmed his decision to study at Grace so he can be further equipped to serve the Lord in this challenging mission field.

Bishwa recalls Dr. Fred Chay sharing a statement that has stayed with him until now. In one of his lectures, Dr. Chay said that as ministry leaders, they needed to have a scholar’s mind but a shepherd’s heart. He shares that this statement has shaped the work that he does as a church planter. Bishwa also enjoyed the Ministry Stewardship and Church Planting courses that Grace offered.

Solely relying on weekly church service to grow in Christ is not enough. This is why Bishwa is encouraging every believer, especially ministry leaders, to get to know God deeper through an in-depth study of His Word and its application today by enrolling in a seminary. Bishwa is thrilled that Grace has been able to reach out to so many countries due to its attainability, accessibility, affordability, and accredited degree programs and is excited to see more students enroll.

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