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Developing Spiritual Leaders in Every Tribe and Nation
Grace in Action

Developing Spiritual Leaders in Every Tribe and Nation

Arcesio Slater Soo comes from the beautiful indigenous people group of Guna of the province of Guna Yala in northeastern Panama. Although beautiful and pristine with its lengthy Caribbean coastline and hundreds of white sand islands, education opportunities in this province were very limited. Arcesio had to travel far to get quality education.

Grace in Action

Developing Spiritual Leaders in Every Tribe and Nation

Arcesio Slater Soo comes from the beautiful indigenous people group of Guna of the province of Guna Yala in northeastern Panama. Although beautiful and pristine with its lengthy Caribbean coastline and hundreds of white sand islands, education opportunities in this province were very limited. Arcesio had to travel far to get quality education.

Developing Spiritual Leaders in Every Tribe and Nation
Developing Spiritual Leaders in Every Tribe and Nation

I am thankful for the technology that allows me to study at home and not having to travel a long journey anymore to get the equipping I need for ministry.

When Arcesio was very young, his family moved to Arraiján City where he and his siblings studied during weekdays. On weekends though, they traveled back to Guna for three long hours only to return to the city again the following week. Around this time too, his father came to know Jesus and started to bring his family to church.

The crisis was eventually resolved and Arcesio’s newfound faith stirred his heart to serve the Lord “full time.” Nonetheless, Arcesio finished his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration at the University of Panama first and worked for some time in this profession. By 2008, he started serving as the senior pastor of La Paz Baptist Church in response to God’s call.

Since Arcesio became a Christian, he had been wanting to study and train for the ministry. He had started with the studies offered by the church he attended, but he wanted his education to come from a duly recognized institution. There was no such seminary, however, where he lived. And so he patiently traveled every day to study at a seminary in the country’s capital. But when he learned about Grace School of Theology through a flyer, he went right for it. The flyer promised the possibility of taking theological studies online without having to make a trip to another city every single day!

Arcesio Slater is now a Master of Divinity student and is happy and thankful for the technology that gives him the opportunity to study at home, needing only his computer. The Grace School of Theology distinctive of being Affordable, Accessible and Attainable is key for students like Arcesio to be able pursue a degree in theology and be developed as spiritual leaders in the ministries to which God has called them. At present, Pastor Arcesio Slater also works with the communities of Guna Yala, continuing to carry the gospel. He works in the city as well where he is a pastor. There is no doubt that Grace has impacted his life and ministry in an incredible way.

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