Grace School of Theology
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International Student Assistance

Help us change the world by developing leaders in every nation! Your support and donation can have a life-changing impact on international students and help them become leaders in their communities. We believe that everyone deserves access to quality seminary education, regardless of their background or origin.
That is why we continue to press forward with the help of faithful supporters like you. Thank you for relentlessly holding the rope for us to fulfill this God-sized vision!
International Student Assistance

In my country, El Salvador, my motivation was to be a professor and teach people. But due to life circumstances, I was unable to finish my degree. I am happy and thankful that Grace allowed me to follow my dreams.

Jimmy Escobar, BABS, El Salvador


I love the way Grace teaches because the professors instruct us how to do the activities [and use the tools] well. We are given assignments so that we apply them independently. Because of this, I have learned to study the Word of God deeply and biblically.

Diomede Nkunzimana, Mdiv, Burundi


I want to thank God for bringing Grace to my life. I know it was God’s providence that my casual browsing on Facebook four years ago led me to this great school.

Dennis Pueblas, MM, Philippines