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Grace in Action

Transform Your Head, Heart, and Hands

Although Jennifer Morales thrived in all her ministry activities, she admittedly recognized that she was struggling with her personal walk with the Lord. She was a Sunday School teacher and young ladies discipler of her church; however, she too needed someone to guide her. As she began her Grace education, she was able to grow spiritually and have a closer relationship with God as she deeply invested her time in God’s Word again.
Grace in Action

Transform Your Head, Heart, and Hands

Although Jennifer Morales thrived in all her ministry activities, she admittedly recognized that she was struggling with her personal walk with the Lord. She was a Sunday School teacher and young ladies discipler of her church; however, she too needed someone to guide her. As she began her Grace education, she was able to grow spiritually and have a closer relationship with God as she deeply invested her time in God’s Word again.
Jennifer Morales - Transform Your Head, Heart, and Hands
It was really good for me to have a group where I could just be open about what I am struggling with. I feel encouraged each time. I love hearing the things that work in the Christian life. It makes me realize that it’s possible and being a Christian, minister, and having a family is doable.
Aside from academics, Grace also places discipleship and mentorship at the forefront of each student’s journey so Jennifer was able to be part of a student discipleship group (SDGs). Having women from all over the world share about God’s grace and truth applied in their lives served as a great source of encouragement in her ministry and spiritual journey. The SDGs also provided her a model on how to live out discipleship across her life and ministries.

“Being at the ministry and sharing the chores or at work or whatever. It’s hard to open up or people will look down on us in a sense. I like the opportunity to share when I feel so bad about an area of my life.”

After finishing with a Bachelor or Arts in Biblical Studies (BABS) , she is now more equipped in discipling women in her church and beyond. She is also actively leading in Grace’s student discipleship groups. Since then, she has moved to Texas, USA and completed her second degree with Grace, a Master of Arts in Chaplaincy (MAC), making her the first MAC graduate.
Jennifer encourages anyone who is considering a Grace education that it will be the best decision of your life because it will completely transform how you relate to God, your family, and your ministry.
Grace School of Theology provides students in all walks of life the equal opportunity to have a quality theological education, thrive in ministry, and grow with a family. Passionate women like Jennifer can now strike a balance between having a ministry, family, and close relationship with the Lord. Grace’s accessible and attainable courses equip learners to teach and train others to share about the love of Christ—a love that cannot be earned and cannot be lost.

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